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The Big Seminar for Your Right Investment

Rem ipsum dolor sit amet, Nem consectetur adipiscing elit. A tempor scelerisque mauris.Vestibulum rhoncus semper pharetra. Quisque eu consequat lectus. Integer varius, tellus at mattis mattis, erat ex volutpat mi, ut posuere magna augue vitae libero. Duis dignissim, tellus in lobortis rutrum, ipsum dui venenatis ante, scelerisque fermentum purus arcu accumsan eros. Vestibulum faucibus nibh vitae aliquam fringilla. Curabitur eget neque tortor. Sed id consequat tellus. Aenean at vestibulum erat.

Nullam fringilla erat eget volutpat porttitor. Quisque at elit augue. Fusce ut felis at nisi convallis egestas sed id arcu. Phasellus varius bibendum lorem vitae vulputate. Morbi maximus neque nec ligula fringilla accumsan. Sed a pharetra ante. Fusce et convallis ipsum, id placerat urna. Donec vel tortor id diam ultricies viverra non a dolor. Sed dapibus magna sed velit congue placerat. Mauris feugiat quam quam. Donec vitae urna a augue hendrerit venenatis vitae nec quam. Quisque eu finibus orci, eget accumsan magna. Fusce nec massa leo.

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Food for Potters

Here’s a link to the youtube feed for pottery demonstrations. I do quite a variety of things and enjoy doing the videos. My heros are out there: William (Bill) Schran, Steven Hill, Danny @ Spinner Earth Pottery, Simon Leach, Hsin-Lin, Steve Booton Ceramics, Ellary Blair, Todd Schultz, and there’s soo many more. Just a few that have come to mind this morning in no particular order of importance…

Here’s the video feed from Hope you find them entertaining. Playlist of pottery demonstrations.

I’ll be recording more in my new studio here in Houston.

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Thank you


My stamps have arrived and I am delighted with their quality and test results.

The 1 ½“ stamp artwork was created for print while the ½” makers mark stamp was modified for clay stamping by eliminating the frame/text overlap.  I was pleased to find that this overlap detail remains clear in the large stamp.  I will experiment with underglaze to colour the text and frame.

Thank you for your kind attention to detail, superb product quality and prompt delivery. 

Kind Regards,

David Gregory